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Free Delivery!

With summer at an end, the Farmers’ Markets are closing down for the year.  This might make our pasture raised eggs more difficult to find, but that doesn’t need to be the case.  Our farm offers a solution to that problem...we deliver!  Anywhere north of Nashville is in our delivery area.  Madison...yes!  Goodlettsville...yes!  White House and Springfield?  Yes!  

The minimum order for egg delivery is four dozen.  And if you think four dozen is too many, keep two thoughts in mind.

Our eggs get to you within the week they were laid, sometimes the very next day!  They will easily stay fresh for two months.  Eggs purchased in a grocery store are often a month old when you buy them.  Secondly, while we will deliver to your door, you can pool with family, friends, and neighbors for that order.  Get two dozen for yourself and two dozen for your neighbor.  Buy a dozen for yourself and a dozen for five family members and friends.  Let us help you have the best eggs-perience!  Schedule a monthly delivery to get fresh, delicious eggs to your door. Email Text: 316-207-9224

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